Event Programme - A4GE

Art that can elegantly combine ancient tradition with modern beauty, as well as associating the delicate theme of the body to the nature.
The Artists 4 Gender Equality - A4GE event has been created with the aim of bringing the contribution of art in the creation of new narratives in support of equal rights. The hope is to bring fertility into politics through specific forms of expression that are distant from the mainstream.
Here you can find the video of the event.
When & Where
Wednesday, March 30th 2022
from 17:30 to 19:00
Spinelli 1E2
European Parliament
- Juliana Notari, Experimental Artist - Brazil
(personal page on ArtEmbracesPolitics)
instagram.com/juliana_notari/ - NeSpoon, Street Artist - Poland
(personal page on ArtEmbracesPolitics)
Welcome Remarks
- Robert Biedron, Chair of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- Maria Soraya Rodriguez Ramos, Coordinator for Renew Europe Group in the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- Marco Zullo, Member of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
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