Artists 4 Gender Equality - A4GE


The Perspective of Art on Gender Issues

Copertina AEP
The project was created with the aim of bringing the contribution of art in the creation of new narratives in support of gender equality, hoping to generate fertility in politics through different forms of expression.

We have dedicated our political engagement to giving voice and visibility to important issues through the use of new tools and innovative communication methods. As part of this, we organized Artists for Gender Equality - A4GE, an event in the European Parliament on March 30th, 2022. Two accomplished female visual artists, NeSpoon from Poland and Juliana Notari from Brazil, have been invited to discuss the role of women and their commitment to politics, particularly in environmental protection. They shared their unique perspectives through their innovative art and exceptional communication skills.    

Our commitment to these issues extends beyond this event. We often emphasize in our gatherings that gender equality is still far from being achieved, even in the heart of Europe, and human rights are frequently jeopardized by extremist drifts. 

We firmly believe that the arts and various artistic expressions possess tremendous potential as powerful tools for social and political advocacy. A4GE is indeed a space where political activism exercised through art in support of women finds acceptance and voice.

Here you can find the video of the event.


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