Love Is a Stranger With a Strange Language
By Felice Ardito

“Master, where do you dance to?
To the land of liberation, to the expanse of non-existence. Tell us, master, what do you mean by non-existence?
The ear of eternity knows the letter of eternity.
Love is a stranger with a strange language.
I want to tell a story, as strange as who tells it. Listen to your servant."
We are in the place where freedom is discussed, those above are the words of the Persian poet Rumi and this is the European Parliament. Here is the deal: stop yelling and listen. Close your eyes and observe, Poetry, Art and Love is on stage.
The eight artists or street artists are David de la Mano, Jan Vormann with the voice of Charlotte Seidel, Hydrane, Polina Soloveichik, NeSpoon, Alex Isakov, Axel Void with the voice of Georg Zolchow and Hera. They have by nature the need to say, some hiding a strong contestant charge behind poetic sublimation, some playing the card of ambiguity, and some addressing issues head-on and without embarrassment. The way of doing of these artists does not require intermediaries, they are used to the street and their audience is ordinary people, their vision on contemporary issues ends up being paradoxically more lucid than any other kind of information: migrations, wars, dictatorships, a mixture of cultures, respect for the environment and for human rights are illuminated by a precise and vivid reading, even in the case of works that deal with them ndirectly. A wall, a canvas or a space become for the street artists, despite the origins, the sources of inspiration, the techniques used and the way of working, their personal "manifesto".
Within the "Distribution Area 3D" of the European Parliament in Brussels, a space of absolute freedom has been created, free for artists, free for spectators, free for interpretation, free. So do not lose all hope, you who enter... Think of nothing but the source of thought. To conclude, I again borrow the words of the poet Rumi:
“Three measly meals a day is all that guns and violence can achieve.” So, good vision, good listening and good day.
Felice Ardito