Micaela Procaccia, Speaker in Political Knowledge
President of "Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana" (ANAI)

Micaela Procaccia, the President of the National Italian Archival Association, is another protagonist of Political Knowledge.
On July 6th, she will be involved in the meeting titled "Echoes from the past, visions for the future," a conference on art, memory, and innovation. But what is an archivist doing at this event? She will talk about how history and memory influence art and vice versa. "Many initiatives in Italian schools should be carefully considered to commemorate events of the past and situations of the present, from the works of the "I giovani ricordano la Shoah" competition to the "Tracce di memoria" competition dedicated to massacres and terrorism, up to the conflict in Ukraine," says Micaela. "Once again tragedies?" - she asserts - "Attention: many of the students' works are marked by hope and a reaction to the negative. Children surpass us."
With a degree in Literature, Micaela Procaccia has worked for the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities in the field of archival science, representing the General Directorate for Archives in the Machine-Readable Data (DLM) Forum. She has worked at the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation in Los Angeles, cataloging and indexing interviews in Italian. She has also been part of the International Commission for the Management of Archives at the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen.